locals we love

  1. 3. Sheffield's most famous "visitor"?
  2. 4. This author's old haunt is called The Mount
  3. 6. Give this sledding hill a round of applause?
  4. 8. The Choate's vote for Best 2nd Estate in the Berks
  5. 10. Batman's favorite sport? The Suns think so.
  6. 11. 26ft long, 12 ft tall and a walnut sized brain? Who am I?
  1. 1. This Susan B wondering why she only got a coin
  2. 2. Sometimes local Cello fellow?
  3. 5. The Canvas King of Stockbridge
  4. 7. Weed is everywhere, but there's only "Fresh Grass" here
  5. 9. Herman Melville's Biggest Fin ;)