Logical Fallacies

  1. 4. Responding to criticism by accusing the other person of the same error
  2. 5. Opposes a moderate proposal by saying it will lead to a holocaust effect
  3. 6. Using the argument to support the initial claim
  4. 7. Claims that just because one event follows another, it must be caused by it
  5. 8. Using different meanings of a word to make an argument more misleading
  6. 9. The conclusion can not follow from the given premises and can be proven false
  7. 10. Ceitisizing opponents personally
  8. 12. Assuming the argument's premises are true without valid evidence
  9. 13. A general idea that is applied to an argument too broadly and does not accept any exceptions
  1. 1. Necessary must be true; Sufficient is not necessary for the claim
  2. 2. Setting up extreme options for a person with no middle ground
  3. 3. Making assumptions based on an incomplete amount of evidence
  4. 11. Misrepresenting opponent's arguments in order to respond to them more easily