  1. 3. A conclusion based on the premise, “if this, then that.” Often, the assembly of a
  2. 7. chain of events that result in an unlikely or extreme outcome
  3. 8. Also referred to as the “bandwagon fallacy;” appeals to the popularity of a practice or concept as a method of persuasion
  4. 9. of the viewpoint of another
  5. 10. what it is attempting to prove)
  6. 11. A general statement or conclusion that is made without sufficient evidence
  1. 1. A conclusion or reply that does not follow the previous statement in a logical manner
  2. 2. The use of an argument’s conclusion as a premise for proving the argument
  3. 4. An attack on or criticism of someone’s character rather than the logic or content of the argument
  4. 5. A tactic that is used to distract from an argument by avoiding key issues or ignoring opposing views
  5. 6. An analogy that incorrectly connects two things based on other shared characteristics
  6. 12. The oversimplification of and subsequent attack on the viewpoint of another or the