Logical Fallacies - "I like cats"

  1. 5. "How can you like cats? Dogs have cute little puppy eyes and will always be by your side"
  2. 7. "You say you like cats, but you didn't adopt my cousin's kitten last week."
  3. 8. "Why?" "Because they're cute" "What makes them cute?" "They're cats."
  4. 11. "Yeah? Well Lebron James likes dogs"
  5. 12. "Dogs statistically are better pets." "Why do you think that?" "Why don't you think that"
  6. 15. "You're the second person that's said that... I bet everybody here likes cats"
  1. 1. "How can you like cats when so many dogs need loving homes?"
  2. 2. "So what you're saying is you hate dogs?"
  3. 3. "People who like cats don't get dogs, and eventually will hate dogs."
  4. 4. "Oh sure, but do you *love* cats?"
  5. 6. "Did you know birds make up over 10% of all pets in the US?"
  6. 9. "I heard Keanu Reeves say more dogs need homes than cats. He can't be wrong!"
  7. 10. "Liking cats is like liking getting slapped to the face."
  8. 13. "You can either like cats or like dogs, so you don't like dogs"
  9. 14. "Because you like cats, you must hate dogs!"
  10. 16. "You like cats? You have a stupid nose... just like cats"