  1. 3. There in case the main vent closes (in a volcano)
  2. 6. 75% of the worlds volcanoes are here.
  3. 8. When two pieces of land slide past each other.
  4. 10. The capital of United Kingdom.
  5. 11. The capital of France.
  6. 12. When a volcano cant erupt anymore.
  7. 14. What we use to describe a rich country.
  8. 19. When plates move apart and leaves a gap for a volcano to form.
  9. 20. Another word to describe ‘boundaries’
  10. 22. When plates collide and move up, creating a new mountain.
  11. 24. The volcano is still able to erupt.
  12. 25. The capital of Indonesia.
  13. 27. The epicentre of 2011 Japan Earthquake.
  14. 28. The size of an earthquake.
  15. 30. The top of a volcano that is hollow because of the previous eruptions.
  16. 31. The plate located in the pacific.
  1. 1. What we use to describe a poor country.
  2. 2. A huge wave caused by natural disasters, mostly earthquakes.
  3. 4. When the Oceanic and Continental plate collide and the Oceanic plate goes underneath.
  4. 5. The capital of Australia.
  5. 7. The capital of New Zealand.
  6. 9. The epicentre of the Haiti earthquake.
  7. 13. The top layer of the earths structure.
  8. 15. The process of magma rising and cooling in three mantle and creating friction of the earths crust.
  9. 16. The volcano is active, but hasn’t erupted for many years.
  10. 17. A method used when an earthquake is happening.
  11. 18. The method used to measure earthquakes.
  12. 21. A form of lava that hasn’t erupted.
  13. 23. Energy that travels through the earths layers, and result as many different natural disasters.
  14. 26. The capital of Japan.
  15. 29. The capital of Ireland.