Long O: Thanksgiving

  1. 3. What the temperature might be on Thanksgiving day.
  2. 5. What the weather may do on Thanksgiving day.
  3. 7. If the weather outside is frightful, you may need to wear a...
  4. 10. what you might serve the mashed potatoes in for Thanksgiving dinner.
  5. 11. What you would use to wash up before Thanksgiving dinner.
  6. 13. how a Thanksgiving turkey is cooked in the oven.
  7. 14. Grandma or Grandpa might be the _____ guest at Thanksgiving dinner.
  8. 15. what dad might do to prepare the yard for Thanksgiving games.
  1. 1. What you might do to the napkins to set the table for Thanksgiving dinner.
  2. 2. what you do to the bread or buns for Thanksgiving dinner.
  3. 4. bread comes in a...
  4. 6. You might wait longingly by this for the Thanksgiving guests to arrive.
  5. 8. the color of some fall leaves on Thanksgiving day.
  6. 9. how the cook may prepare the Thanksgiving turkey.
  7. 12. What you might use to take a nap after the Thanksgiving festivities are over.