Long to short

  1. 4. when u have to look out for key details and specific things or being specific and giving key details.
  2. 6. something which is illegal to do
  3. 8. something u can find a jungle which is covered.
  4. 10. you take a lot of these a day to survive
  5. 16. the plants and trees made by God is called…
  6. 17. someone who dies a lot of sport and is athletic.
  7. 19. sense of happiness of joy.
  8. 20. something which u do over and over again to remember something
  9. 21. A person who commits a crime
  10. 22. something which u have in your teeth which u get from eating to much sweets.
  11. 23. something which belongs to u.
  1. 1. the action of making fire or burning something.
  2. 2. something u do on your iPad to get text.
  3. 3. something u say to a person when they help u or do something for u
  4. 5. A type of solid chemical .
  5. 7. something u do to survive
  6. 9. to catch fire or cause fire.
  7. 11. showing benevolence and learning culture,history,art etc
  8. 12. having it showing compassion.
  9. 13. someone or something which is sporty.
  10. 14. the quality or action of being right or accurate.
  11. 15. something which is made by God not man made.
  12. 18. having distinctive qualities of a person or thing
  13. 20. something u do again which you’ve already done.