Look out for Monarchs

  1. 2. winged insects
  2. 4. Maori name for monarch butterfly
  3. 6. plants that monarchs like to feed on
  4. 7. plural, stage in insect's life between larva and adult
  5. 11. when adult monarchs move north to somewhere warmer
  6. 15. the larva stage
  7. 16. when someone sees a monarch
  8. 17. scientists who study how living things relate to each other and their surroundings
  1. 1. scientific name for monarch butterfly
  2. 3. plural, stage in insect's life between egg and pupa
  3. 5. information
  4. 8. the sac that butterflies go into during the pupa stage
  5. 9. scientists who study living things
  6. 10. back wings
  7. 12. small piece of paper stuck to the butterfly's hind wings for tracking
  8. 13. species of butterfly with orange and black wings
  9. 14. front wings