Looniverse stranger things

  1. 2. What did Sarah Beth make with her food?
  2. 6. What is the name of Mr. Sage's shop?
  3. 8. Moose's super strong younger brother.
  4. 10. What was the in the box Moose received?
  1. 1. The main character's creative sister's name.
  2. 3. These animals came when Libby was making flute sounds with a soda straw.
  3. 4. What was on the picture Derwin got for writing a thousand words.
  4. 5. A picture is worth a thousand _______?
  5. 7. What word was on the coin?
  6. 9. What did Moose and Ed drink at the pool?
  7. 11. Who is the main character of the book?