- 2. something always nasty smelly, and overflowing
- 5. something students never clean, and it really upsets me >:(
- 8. band that is always playing on Ms.Lopez playlist
- 10. singer that is always playing on Ms.Lopez playlist
- 12. Lopez' favorite subject to talk about
- 14. Where is Lopez right now
- 15. earthy material that is easily malleable when wet
- 16. tool used to cut precise shapes
- 1. paper mache technique to make texture, hair, vines, etc.
- 2. 3D art form
- 3. Dog but also food
- 4. How many years has Lopez been a teacher
- 6. 50% flour 50% water, salt, glue, cinnamon
- 7. first clay sculpture project you guys will make
- 9. something ms.Lopez needs to teach
- 11. current big project that you guys are working on
- 13. Lopez' favorite fortnite character