Lord o' the Flies

  1. 1. In a loud, vociferous, or insistent manner.
  2. 5. With hesitation or unwillingness.
  3. 6. A whispering or rustling sound, often produced by movement or activity.
  4. 7. Downward slopes or inclines, especially on a hillside or mountain.
  5. 12. The state or process of flowering or blooming; a period of flourishing or peak development.
  6. 13. Feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt.
  7. 14. Confined or imprisoned, especially within a wall.
  8. 16. Refusing to make concessions or compromises; inflexibly.
  9. 17. In a manner that is difficult or impossible to understand or interpret.
  10. 20. A distinct unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.
  11. 21. To offer or present something for acceptance.
  12. 22. Characterized by propriety and good taste; displaying proper behavior.
  13. 23. Liveliness and enthusiasm; exuberance.
  1. 2. Acknowledgment or identification of someone or something as being known or previously encountered.
  2. 3. Superficially plausible, but actually false or misleading.
  3. 4. Radiant splendor or brilliance.
  4. 8. The act of accusing in return; counteraccusation.
  5. 9. To gesture animatedly or expressively while speaking, typically to emphasize a point or convey meaning.
  6. 10. The act of spreading through or over something, often referring to a quality or emotion.
  7. 11. A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
  8. 15. Characterized by or involving wild or unrestrained behavior; tumultuous or disorderly.
  9. 18. Assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters.
  10. 19. Suffered greatly or sacrificed oneself for a cause or belief.