Lord of the flies

  1. 3. Dignified property of manner or conduct
  2. 6. A person known to one but not usually a friend
  3. 10. A body so suspended from a fixed point as to swing freely to and fro by the alternate action of gravity
  4. 11. The act of turning or whirling, as around a fixed center
  5. 13. The state or quality of reflecting an iridescent light
  6. 14. Causing intense anger; maddening
  1. 1. Extreme brilliancy; a flood of light
  2. 2. A shallow body of water connected to a larger body of water
  3. 4. A cluster of group of fixed stars, or division of the heavens
  4. 5. Wishing evil or harm to another or others
  5. 7. The quality or condition of not being applicable or pertinent
  6. 8. Absurd; Contrary to nature or reason
  7. 9. Noisily insistent
  8. 12. The chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power