Lord of the Flies

  1. 1. The struggle between opposing forces, such as Ralph and Jack, civilization and savagery, order and chaos, etc.
  2. 3. The title given to the sow’s head on the stake, which speaks to Simon and reveals the truth about the beast.
  3. 4. The role that Ralph and Jack compete for, representing different styles of authority and power.
  4. 5. The imaginary creature that the boys fear and worship, representing the evil within themselves.
  5. 8. The social and moral order that the boys try to maintain on the island, but gradually lose to savagery.
  6. 9. The emotion that drives the boys to irrational and violent behavior, especially regarding the beast.
  1. 2. The quality of being pure and naive, which the boys lose as they experience the horrors of the island.
  2. 6. The primitive and violent instinct that emerges in the boys as they abandon civilization and embrace chaos.
  3. 7. The symbol of the boys’ hope for rescue, which they neglect and lose as they descend into savagery.