- 4. Who was the big'un that picked on the littl'uns?
- 8. What colour were the pig droppings?
- 10. What's Jack's main focus?
- 11. What causes them to have upset stomachs?
- 12. Which littl'un stayed in the shelter for 2 days?
- 13. Where did Jack punch Piggy the first time?
- 15. Where did they find the pig?
- 18. What animal was Jack compared to?
- 21. What medical condition does the fat boy have?
- 22. What is Ralph very passionate about?
- 23. What is Roger and Maurice in charge of?
- 24. Who let the fire go out?
- 25. Who was the first person Ralph met in chapter one?
- 27. Who's been helping Ralph with the shelters?
- 28. Who is the biggest littl'un?
- 1. What do the boys build on the mountain?
- 2. What's the name of the thorns in the bush?
- 3. What's the small boy scared about?
- 5. What did Jack use to hunt the pig?
- 6. What do they think the beastie is?
- 7. What are the littl'uns experiencing?
- 9. Who's father is in the Navy?
- 11. What did the fat boy see out of the plane window?
- 14. What's the conch symbolic for?
- 16. What did they use to light the fire?
- 17. Who's the leader of the choir?
- 19. What colour of shirt was Ralph wearing when they crashed?
- 20. What did they use the fire for?
- 25. What do the littl'uns do all day?
- 26. What was the name of the first boy who responded to the conch?