- 2. twins, stayed loyal to ralph
- 6. the symbol for their government, you were allowed to talk if you held it
- 8. quiet, killed in the dance
- 9. what jack found most important
- 11. rock where did jack and the other live in when he broke off
- 13. what they were by the end
- 14. voted as chief in the beginning
- 16. how many chapters were in the book
- 18. what did ralph build for the boys to sleep in
- 19. what they did on hunts to kill something
- 20. what falls from the sky that they think is the beast
- 23. fat, wears glasses
- 24. what were the boys afraid of the whole time
- 25. how did piggy die
- 1. who frees them from the island
- 3. what most of they boys were in before the island,jack leads this group
- 4. what the young children are referred to as
- 5. the pigs head they put on a stick
- 7. what was the symbol for civilization in the book
- 10. where were they trapped
- 12. leader of the hunters
- 15. what ralph always wanted to have going
- 17. how they ended up there
- 21. the boy who releases the boulder that killed piggy
- 22. where they are originally from