- 3. One of the boys fell to the act of _____ from the Lord of the Flies
- 8. The one signal used to hopefully get the boys home
- 10. What the boys used to talk about survival and other deeds
- 13. The one thing keeping the boys from returning home
- 14. Piggy's item that is important to him
- 16. The boy who worked hard at making the island as close to a home as possible and also found a way to get them home
- 17. Shell the boys used to call for assemblies
- 19. The boy that acted like the rest of them, but with extreme bloodthirst
- 20. The force that saves the boys
- 1. The event that was happening at the time of the story
- 2. What most of the boys go form/join to stay on the island
- 4. The act of _____ is what most of the boys commit towards the end of the story
- 5. The main source of food for the boys
- 6. A special place to Jack that he shows the boys
- 7. What most of the boys become; a member of a primitive human society
- 9. The place where a plane crashed and left a group of schoolboys to fend for themselves
- 11. The place that the fire was stationed on
- 12. A factor for Piggy that only appears toward the beginning of the book
- 15. The boy who was the only symbol of goodness on the island
- 18. The shelters made for the boys