Lord Of the Flies

  1. 3. Who was voted Chief?
  2. 4. What was the crash site called?
  3. 6. How old is Ralph?
  4. 9. What was Jack Sacrificing?
  5. 11. how did they appoint their Chief?
  6. 12. What do the littluns keep having nightmares about?
  7. 13. Who are the best at everything?
  8. 15. Who suffers from asthma?
  9. 17. What was found that symbolizes power?
  10. 18. Which two boys found the parachutist on the mountain?
  1. 1. Who is in charge of the hunters?
  2. 2. Who saved ralph from being Killed?
  3. 3. Who pushes the rock that killed Piggy?
  4. 5. Who is the author?
  5. 7. What is the island Shaped like?
  6. 8. Jack's Last name
  7. 10. What is used to start a fire?
  8. 14. Where Was the conch found?
  9. 16. Who dies from a seizure?
  10. 17. Piggy's Aunite Sells
  11. 18. What was used to signal ships?