Lord of the Flies

  1. 1. What compelled the hunters to listen to Jack
  2. 5. Jack is obsessed with ____
  3. 7. What did they see in the jungle and call it the beast?
  4. 9. Where did they find the conch
  5. 11. Ralph slowly started treating Piggy with ____
  6. 12. Who lead the Choir
  7. 15. The boy who was killed by the huge boulder
  8. 16. The signal fire represents
  1. 2. There aren't any ____ on the island
  2. 3. The biggun who throws rocks at Henry but misses on purpose
  3. 4. What where the youngest children on the island called?
  4. 6. The boy voted to be leader
  5. 8. Ralph and Jack struggle for
  6. 10. Piggy's problem
  7. 11. Who almost got killed because he was acting like the pig?
  8. 13. What did Ralph use to call meetings
  9. 14. The hunters took the power to make ____ when they took Piggy's glasses