- 2. What was the last name of the author?
- 5. What do the boys make with Piggy's glasses?
- 6. Where does Percival think the beast comes from?
- 7. What was the "ditch like" hole that was made from the plane crash called?
- 10. What role did the choir take upon themselves?
- 13. What does Ralph use to call the first meeting on the island?
- 15. Who is the leader of the whole group of boys?
- 16. Who murders Piggy with a boulder?
- 17. Who is the character that craves power?
- 18. What was sharpened at both ends?
- 1. Who is the character with glasses?
- 3. Who rescued the boys at the end?
- 4. What did the boys call the "snake-like" animal?
- 6. Which character has epilepsy?
- 8. What was the voice Simon heard in his head?
- 9. What prevents piggy from running and swimming?
- 10. What is Jack "obsessed" with?
- 11. How many boys are killed in the book?
- 12. The set of twins are named?
- 14. What war was taking place while the boys were n the island?