- 1. Bad eyesight
- 2. Beast on the mountain
- 4. Used to start the fire
- 6. At the start of the book Jack was referred to________
- 7. Kill the pig, cut it's throat, spill it's_____
- 9. One of the main source of food
- 10. The author
- 11. The twins watch the____
- 12. He begins to see things
- 14. Weapon used to hunt
- 17. The hunted
- 18. Gives the right to speak
- 1. What did the man use to land on the island
- 2. How did Simon die
- 3. Main objective for the kids
- 5. What got the kids rescued
- 8. Youngest of the group
- 9. Lord of the_____
- 13. The main character
- 15. They got to the island by_____
- 16. First to leave Ralph's group