Lord of the Flies Crossword

  1. 2. Ineffective intelligence and reason; insight gained from observation
  2. 6. authority; order and civilization; Loses authority as anarchy grows
  3. 7. cruelty; sadism; the beast in all of us
  4. 9. An archetypal symbol of evil. "Powers of darkness ” would have recognized the Parachutist in day as would Simon. Beast more real at night.
  5. 11. clear-sightedness; the ability to see truly; their condition represents the status of civilization; Man’s ability to perceive to think
  6. 13. hope and salvation; rescue; divides civilization from savagery. Ralph uses it for hope; Jack for cooking. Jack’s group allows it to go out (hope) fire.
  7. 15. struggles to maintain social order principles civility and ethical behavior; common sense and responsibility
  8. 17. "Sign “ evil developing on island.
  9. 18. Incapable of acting independently. Represent loss of identity.
  10. 19. represents desire to preserve civilization. Jack moves into the caves with his power like animals they have become.
  11. 20. helps the boys hide from their own consciences. Turning them into anonymous savages who are freed from restraints of “civilized” behavior.
  12. 21. unthinking masses who blindly follow authority
  1. 1. pure goodness and innocence; intuitive insight and self-awareness; he gives his life to bring truth about the beast to the boys
  2. 3. fear the unknown and violence
  3. 4. facade; uninhibited release from consequences of actions
  4. 5. the unknown; the evil in each of us
  5. 6. Punishment constraint
  6. 8. anarchy; savagery; chief representative of evil. Obsessed with killing for the thrill of the kill.
  7. 10. innocents; those who are unaware of the realities of life and are picked on
  8. 12. the allure or attraction of evil; the inherent dark side of mankind
  9. 14. The world; a boat shape that is going backward
  10. 16. Safety openness games