Lord of the Flies Pt.2

  1. 1. Perfect happiness and great joy
  2. 3. physically and in material terms.
  3. 6. An accumulation or collection deposited in a place or remaining at rest
  4. 7. Respect and warm approval
  5. 8. Shining with a sparkling light.
  6. 10. Reserve, modest and shy
  7. 11. Become less intense or severe.
  8. 13. Flourish physically and in material terms.
  9. 14. The condition or quality of being adequate or sufficient.
  10. 15. In a scornful way that shows disdain
  11. 16. Plant a seed by scattering it on the earth's soil.
  1. 2. A heightened sense of one's sense of self.
  2. 4. with a sparkling light.
  3. 5. Getting rid of a troublesome or unwanted person or thing.
  4. 6. Little ones
  5. 9. Disapproval over one's behavior or actions
  6. 12. To move something back and forth.