Lord Of The Flies Review

  1. 5. What is the choir boys primary purpose on the island?
  2. 8. What does Simon believ the beast is?
  3. 9. What is the Conch a symbol of?
  4. 11. What did the little boy who got lost in the fire have on his face?
  5. 12. What is the mark called left by the plain?
  6. 15. Who is second in command to Jack?
  7. 16. What is the translation of the word beezlebub?
  8. 17. What name do the boys give to the little ones of the group?
  9. 19. What is Piggys medical problem?
  10. 21. What ritual has replaced the ritual of meeting?
  11. 22. What nationality are the boys?
  12. 23. What ocean is the island on?
  1. 1. What do the boys build for shelter?
  2. 2. When the boys took a vote what did they decide the beast is?
  3. 3. Where do the savages live on the island?
  4. 4. What keeps roger from throwing the rock at henry?
  5. 6. What is Ralphs main goal on the island? Too get _____
  6. 7. Who killed piggy?
  7. 10. What are Piggys glasses used for?
  8. 13. At the beggining of the story how does Ralph bring the boys together?
  9. 14. What animal is "The Lord Of The Flies"?
  10. 18. Who are the twins?
  11. 20. Who is the cheif of the savages?
  12. 23. What charecter symbolizes intelligence?