Lord of The Flies Vocab

  1. 3. to criticize or reprimand sharply
  2. 5. describes being upset over something that is unfair
  3. 8. Climbing with difficulty
  4. 12. feeling ashamed or humiliated
  5. 16. a long, angry or violent speech
  6. 18. seeming without end
  7. 20. exhibiting appropriate behavior
  8. 21. not easily understood
  9. 22. sunk to a lower or normal level or became less active
  10. 23. to abuse vocally; taunt or mock
  11. 24. wise
  12. 26. cannot be penetrated or affected
  13. 28. a gap or interruption in continuity; a break or pause
  14. 29. to feel a stinging pain
  1. 1. describes two or more people joining together for an immoral reason
  2. 2. ridicule
  3. 4. feeling sorrow or regret
  4. 6. not believing/believable; doubtful
  5. 7. an audible expression of deep grief and sorrow
  6. 9. having or showing a wish to do evil/bad to others
  7. 10. with a large, bulky body, rotund
  8. 11. take in info, ideas or culture and fully understand
  9. 13. deceptive
  10. 14. an aggressive, stubborn attitude; rudeness
  11. 15. pulled tight
  12. 17. slowing down someones or somethings progress (to hinder)
  13. 19. commotion of a great crowd; disorder
  14. 22. harsh and loud
  15. 25. ignored or doubted
  16. 27. walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort