Lord of the Flies Vocab

  1. 3. A gap or interruption in continuity; a break or pause
  2. 5. Deep seated hatred; State of being an enemy
  3. 7. Unpleasantly sharp or bitter taste or smell
  4. 8. Laughably and obviously absurd; foolish
  5. 9. Totally or offensively obtrusive; very obvious
  6. 10. Not spoken; implied by actions or statements
  7. 11. To sniffle; complain or whine tearfully
  8. 13. Trembled, or spoke in a trembling voice
  9. 18. Unruly; insubordinate or constituting a mutiny
  10. 19. Dispirited and depressed; dejected
  11. 22. The act of accusing in return; opposing another charge
  12. 25. Exhibiting appropriate behavior or conduct
  13. 26. A loud outcry; great expression of discontent
  14. 27. A singer or leader of a choir
  15. 28. Having an ill will or wishing harm to others; malicious
  16. 30. Great intensity of emotion; intense heat
  17. 33. The size of an elephant; enormous size/strength
  18. 35. Using power unjustly; burdensome
  19. 37. To force or drive; exert a strong, irresistable force on
  20. 38. Emitting light; full of light
  21. 39. Something very large; giant sea creature in the Bible
  22. 40. Looked at or stared angrily or sullenly
  23. 41. Excluded or forbidden from use or mention
  24. 43. To walk at a leisurely pace; stroll
  1. 1. Nearsightedness
  2. 2. Commotion of a great crowd; disorder
  3. 4. Incomprehensible; unable to speak with clarity
  4. 5. Blooming of flowers, state of flowering
  5. 6. A long angry or violent speech; a diatribe
  6. 12. Insufficient to produce an effect; useless
  7. 14. Difficult to understand, mysterious
  8. 15. A change or variation; unexpected changes in life
  9. 16. Downward slopes, as of a hill
  10. 17. An undertaking or business organization; industrious
  11. 20. An object with magical power
  12. 21. To criticize sharply; check or repress
  13. 23. A fringed strap worn on military uniforms
  14. 24. Lean and muscular; stringy and tough
  15. 29. Excessively fat
  16. 31. A stronghold or fortification; similar to a stronghold
  17. 32. Modest and reserved in manner or behavior
  18. 33. Zestful or spirited enthusiasm
  19. 34. Deflected or warded off; avoided
  20. 36. Incapable of being penetrated or affected
  21. 37. A line of people or ships stationed to guard
  22. 42. To abuse vocally; taunt or mock