Lord of the Flies Vocabulary

  1. 5. violent and noisy commotion of a crowd or mob
  2. 8. unable to speak distinctly or express oneself clearly
  3. 10. the quality or state of being irrelevant
  4. 11. impossible to understand or interpret
  5. 13. polite and restrained
  6. 15. a wavelike motion
  7. 16. develop or present in detail
  8. 17. objectionably aggressive in offering one's unwanted and not requested help or advice
  9. 20. firmly loyal or constant
  10. 22. shining with many different colors when seen from different angles
  11. 26. to eat up greedily
  12. 27. not openly acknowledged or displayed
  13. 29. shaking or quivering slightly
  1. 1. crouch down in fear
  2. 2. unjust or cruel exercise of power or authority
  3. 3. to engage in thought or reflection
  4. 4. very numerous
  5. 6. utterly absurd or ridiculous
  6. 7. use gestures, especially while speaking or in an excited manner
  7. 9. a series of words said as a magic spell or charm
  8. 12. oppressively constant; incessant
  9. 14. a rude and mocking remark
  10. 18. to devise or invent
  11. 19. uncertain; not discovered or known about
  12. 21. to suffocate
  13. 23. to make a slight, sudden movement that is not controlled or deliberate
  14. 24. a careless or careless mistake
  15. 25. high-pitched and piercing in sound quality
  16. 28. to irritate; annoy; provoke