Lord of the Flies Vocabulary

  1. 1. a tropical marine mollusk
  2. 7. laughably and obviously absurd
  3. 10. very obvious
  4. 11. a downward slope
  5. 12. unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint
  6. 14. incomprehensible; unable to speak with clarity
  7. 17. to abuse vocally; taunt or mock
  8. 18. to criticize sharply
  9. 19. a loud outery; great expression of discontent
  1. 2. excessively fat
  2. 3. to spread over or through in a fluid manner
  3. 4. understood or implied without being stated
  4. 5. a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process
  5. 6. dispirited and depressed; dejected
  6. 8. a smothered or half-suppressed laugh
  7. 9. having an ill will or wishing harm to others; malicious
  8. 13. looked at angrily
  9. 14. useless
  10. 15. incapable of being penetrated or affected
  11. 16. excluded or forbidden from use or mention