lord of the flies

  1. 2. a group of boy that are part of singing group that here the conch when it was blown
  2. 5. The spot Ralph takes
  3. 7. What piggy is crushed and killed by.
  4. 10. Found the kids and saved the all of the kids from dying.
  5. 11. What took these boys to the island. Is shot down over the island.
  6. 12. Many of the little children had these during the night. One boys included a big snake beast that he thought was real.
  7. 14. Had to be done in order to find out if they are on an island.
  8. 16. They are really important to piggy. Only way he can see. Taken by jack before he is killed.
  1. 1. Burns down the woods when they were not watching it.
  2. 2. Made up of only kids. No grown ups are in it.
  3. 3. Power hungry bow. Becomes leader of the hunters.
  4. 4. stops piggy from being able to do many things
  5. 6. All meetings were held here, Is on the sand of the island.
  6. 7. There is a lot of this happening in the book
  7. 8. 12 Year old boy main character in the book.
  8. 9. used to find all the boys on the island
  9. 13. A group that Jack started. The first animal they killed was sow.
  10. 15. one of the main characters finds the conch shell in the beginning of the book
  11. 17. what the marine saw and came to rescue the stranded people.
  12. 18. first animal killed on the island. Known as the lord of the flies