Lord of the Flies

  1. 2. A line of people or ships stationed to guard.
  2. 3. Cut small bits or pare shavings.
  3. 6. To criticize.
  4. 8. To abuse vocally.
  5. 9. Gather something into small wrinkles or folds.
  6. 10. Incapable of being penetrated or affected.
  7. 13. Having an ill will or wishing harm to others.
  8. 15. Wrap in swaddling clothes.
  9. 17. Tending to cover a wide range of subjects.
  10. 20. Cause to be submerged.
  1. 1. Nearsightedness.
  2. 4. A fringed sharp worn on military uniforms.
  3. 5. Show, express or direct through movement.
  4. 7. Blooming of flowers, state of flowering.
  5. 11. Looked at or stared angrily or sullenly.
  6. 12. An object with magical power.
  7. 14. Unpleasantly sharp or bitter taste or smell.
  8. 16. Zestful of spirited enthusiasm.
  9. 18. Lock up or confine, in or as in jail.
  10. 19. Deflected or wondered off.