- 4. The Lord of the Flies is a ...'s head.
- 5. Who releases the rock that kills Piggy and destroys the conch
- 7. Ralph, Piggy and ... do not join Jack's tribe
- 8. The tribe burnt the island in order to ... Ralph.
- 9. What sort of weapon is Jack using to hunt pigs?
- 11. For what purpose does Jack want his choir used for ?
- 13. Blown by Piggy, the ... is a symbol of authority, order and civilization
- 16. When Simon comes out of the forest to tell the truth about the beast, he gets ...
- 17. Who gives Ralph meat from Jack's feast?
- 18. The fight with Jack and his hunters results in Piggy's broken ...
- 20. How are the young children called?
- 21. What nationality does the naval officer have?
- 22. When it begins to rain and Ralph asks Jack, "Where are your shelters? What are you going to do about that?", Jack leads the boys to the ..
- 1. Finally the boys are rescued because of the huge ... on the island.
- 2. At first, what does the island seem to be?
- 3. where does the pilot land
- 4. Piggy's most common action is to ... his specs.
- 6. Who calls the assembly to discuss the beast?
- 10. What's the first sign of the adult world?
- 11. Ralph's common action throughout the novel is standing on the..
- 12. Percival forgets his ...
- 14. What did the attackers steal from Piggy?
- 15. How are the twins called [common name] ?
- 19. the navel officer rescues the boys because he saw the ..