Lord of the Rings

  1. 5. horse lort son of Denethor
  2. 10. stabbing by morgul blade
  3. 13. a hobbit's tale
  4. 15. volcano
  5. 17. rings of power for dwarves
  6. 18. rings of power for elves
  7. 19. shortcut to
  8. 22. pony
  9. 24. port to sail to Valinor
  10. 27. "noble maiden"
  11. 31. found the ring in the water
  12. 32. given 3 golden strands of hair
  13. 33. alias
  14. 34. King of Edoras
  15. 35. gift from bilbo
  16. 36. spider
  1. 1. mountain range
  2. 2. boromir's brother
  3. 3. stolen from gandalf
  4. 4. pipe weed
  5. 6. King Theoden's niece
  6. 7. disturber of the peace
  7. 8. king of gondor
  8. 9. Aragon travels to Minas Tirith
  9. 11. bilbo's age
  10. 12. green leaf
  11. 13. fool
  12. 14. "Fly, you fools"
  13. 16. brandybuck
  14. 20. gardener
  15. 21. gollum
  16. 23. Sauron's fortress in Mordor
  17. 25. symbol of Gondor
  18. 26. ferry
  19. 28. rings of power for men
  20. 29. bilbo took the ring from
  21. 30. ringbearer
  22. 36. glows blue