- 2. King of Rohan
- 3. The race that lives the longest
- 4. The main character's race
- 5. Aragorn's nickname
- 6. Bilbo's sword
- 8. The dwarf in the fellowship
- 9. Where the antagonist lives
- 12. Where Balin dies
- 14. The third book
- 19. The white city
- 20. The elf in the fellowship
- 22. A lost king
- 25. The protagonist
- 26. The main antagonist
- 27. The lady of Lothlorien
- 1. The first book
- 6. The protagonist's sidekick
- 7. The first person in the fellowship that dies
- 10. The race that lives in mountains
- 11. Where the last homely house is located
- 13. Lord of the last homely house
- 15. Sauron's ring
- 16. The second book
- 17. The one who calls the rings My Prescious
- 18. Boromir's brother
- 21. The evil wizard
- 23. The land of horses
- 24. The wizard in the fellowship