Lord of the Rings Crossword

  1. 1. What was the surname of Merry the Hobbit?
  2. 3. What was the name of the mountain pass the Fellowship attempted to cross during a snowstorm?
  3. 8. What was the name of Saruman's tower at Isengard?
  4. 10. What was the name of Isildur's sword that was shattered by Sauron?
  5. 12. Which famous dwarf was the nephew of Balin and Dwalin?
  6. 14. Faramir's rangers patrolled which forested region in Gondor?
  7. 15. What was the name of Galadriel's husband?
  8. 16. The Elvish word for 'friend'
  1. 2. Which elf gave Gandalf his ring of power upon his return to Middle Earth?
  2. 4. How many Palantir were there?
  3. 5. What was the name of Minas Morgul before it fell to the forces of Sauron?
  4. 6. What was the name of Gloin and Oin's father? (Sorry for deep lore question its just funny)
  5. 7. Which inhospitable, rocky land did Frodo and Sam first meet Gollum in the Two Towers?
  6. 9. What was the original name of the ruins of Weathertop?
  7. 11. Éomer was the Marshal of which area of Rohan?
  8. 13. Which dwarven king of Moria famously "dug too deep"