- 4. Number of boats the Fellowship take on the Lothlorien (5)
- 5. Rides to War with Eowyn (5)
- 6. Gollum, Smeagol & (7)
- 10. Eat a little, and only in need (11)
- 11. Named the Fellowship (6)
- 12. Dwarf who gave Bilbo a mighty gift (6)
- 16. Lady Galadriel’s husband (12)
- 18. A weed by another name (9)
- 19. Aragorn other name (7)
- 21. Frodos second cousin once removed (6)
- 1. The young Caption of Gondor (7)
- 2. Destroyer of Narsil (6)
- 3. Ringwraiths Breath (14)
- 6. Lord of All Horses (9)
- 7. Wielder of Narsil (6)
- 8. A beast with ram horns, bats wings and a lizards tail (6)
- 9. Shelob’s diet consists of these (4)
- 13. Frodos traveling name (9)
- 14. Denethors home city (11)
- 15. Seeing Stone (8)
- 17. City which lies between Mordor and Minas Tirith (9)
- 20. Ent Children (7)