- 3. Ancient home of Treebeard and the Ents. This forest is old. Very old.
- 5. A barren wasteland riddled with fire, ash, and dust.
- 8. The Tower of Guard. Gondor's capital city.
- 9. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep in these mines also known as Khazad-dum.
- 11. The Tower of Orthanc stands at the center of this ancient Numenorean fortress.
- 12. Faramir couldn't hold the defenses of this famous river city in Gondor.
- 13. If you visit this village, you may find the Inn of the Prancing Pony.
- 14. This legendary dwarven stronghold is also known as the lonely mountain.
- 1. A forest where huge spiders attack any who stray too far from the path.
- 2. The idyllic community in the center of The Shire.
- 4. Galadriel and Celeborn rule over this vast woodland realm.
- 6. Frodo, Sam, and Gollum hid before it's gates before starting their climb toward Cirith Ungol.
- 7. It is said that this fortress in Rohan will never fall as long as men defend it.
- 10. Known also as Imladris, Elron Half-elven rules this beautiful sanctuary.
- 15. Rohan's walled city sitting upon a tall peak, surrounded by mountains.