Los artículos definidos

  1. 1. shoes/the shoes
  2. 2. hamburgers/the hamburgers
  3. 4. the heat
  4. 6. vegetables/the vegetables
  5. 8. candies/the candies
  6. 10. videogames/the videogames
  7. 12. masks/the masks
  8. 14. nature
  9. 16. the cold
  10. 17. games/the games
  11. 18. music/the music
  12. 19. school/the school
  13. 21. fruits/the fruits
  14. 22. boys/the boys
  15. 24. cars/the cars
  16. 25. school/the school
  17. 26. peace
  1. 1. hats/the hats
  2. 3. ocean/the ocean
  3. 5. sports
  4. 7. soccer
  5. 9. books/the books
  6. 11. movies/the movies
  7. 13. food/the food
  8. 14. mountains/the mountains
  9. 15. ice cream/the ice cream
  10. 20. parties/the parties
  11. 23. beach/the beach