Los Países

  1. 3. World's largest exporter of bananas
  2. 6. Smallest country in South America
  3. 8. First place where CocaCola was sold
  4. 9. Known as the King of Beef
  5. 12. Only country in Africa
  6. 13. This place has TWO capitals!
  7. 14. Doesn't have an official language
  8. 16. Encanto takes place in this country
  9. 17. Columbus landed here in 1492
  10. 20. Least visited in Central America
  1. 1. The capital is Caracas
  2. 2. Not a state, but a part of the US
  3. 4. Abolished their army in 1949
  4. 5. Home to the world's largest pyramid
  5. 7. This name means "land of many trees"
  6. 8. Where Machu Picchu is
  7. 10. Also known as the land of volcanoes
  8. 11. The world's first global empire
  9. 15. Its nickname is Heart of South America
  10. 16. Christmas was banned for 30 years here
  11. 18. Largest Central American country
  12. 19. Home to Easter Island