Los útiles escolares

  1. 2. The (school) desk
  2. 4. the backpack
  3. 6. the notebook
  4. 9. the classroom
  5. 12. the pencil case
  6. 17. the paper
  7. 18. the eraser
  8. 20. The folder
  9. 21. the ruler
  10. 22. the chair
  11. 23. The page
  1. 1. The scissors
  2. 3. the website
  3. 5. the school
  4. 6. The pencil sharpener
  5. 7. The marker
  6. 8. the trash
  7. 10. the pencil
  8. 11. the door
  9. 13. the (office) desk
  10. 14. The book
  11. 15. The board
  12. 16. The wall
  13. 19. the clock
  14. 20. the pen