Los verbos reflexivos 5.1 (include subject or subj pronoun if there is a *)

  1. 2. When do you wake up?
  2. 6. We fall asleep.
  3. 7. They take a shower.
  4. 9. *Marcos falls asleep.
  5. 13. *The boys brush/wash their teeth.
  6. 14. I wash my face.
  7. 15. I shower and I dry off.
  1. 1. *I get up at 6.
  2. 3. *My dad shaves.
  3. 4. She drys off with a towel.
  4. 5. *The girl puts on make-up.
  5. 8. We lay down.
  6. 10. *She combs her hair.
  7. 11. You take a bath.
  8. 12. They wash their hands.