<LOTF Crossward Puzzle

  1. 5. The boys rationality
  2. 7. Piggys Lenses
  3. 10. the pig head on the stake
  4. 11. The starter of signals
  5. 13. The utlimate equalizer
  6. 14. A mass body of water
  7. 16. The title of the leader.
  8. 18. The only adult on the island
  9. 19. How the boats noticed the island
  1. 1. The secondary source of nutrition
  2. 2. A Loss of civility
  3. 3. Kingdom The boys' homeland
  4. 4. KillThePigCutHerThroatSpillHerBlood!
  5. 6. The title of the kids
  6. 7. A long sharp weapon
  7. 8. Used to start meetings
  8. 9. The Primary Source of Nutrition
  9. 11. Ralphs priority
  10. 12. Builds up over time
  11. 15. The location of plane crash
  12. 17. What Ralph dreamt about