LOTF quiz

  1. 5. - The force that drives many of the boys' rash decisions on the island.
  2. 7. - The novel can also be read at this level, particularly through the character of Simon.
  3. 8. Scar - A physical and symbolic representation of the destructive impact of humans on the island.
  4. 9. - The character who represents natural goodness and spirituality.
  5. 11. - A characteristic of the boys that leads to the great fire getting out of control.
  6. 14. Painted Face - Represents his loss of identity and descent into savagery.
  7. 16. - In Freudian terms, this represents the moral conscience in the mind.
  1. 1. - One of the layers of meaning in the novel, dealing with group dynamics and power.
  2. 2. - The boy who throws stones and later becomes Jack’s enforcer.
  3. 3. - A manifestation of the boys’ fears that grows stronger as their behavior worsens.
  4. 4. Impact - Represented by the scar and the boys' influence on the island’s environment.
  5. 6. - One of the littluns in the group, often overlooked.
  6. 10. - Both a symbol of hope (rescue) and destruction (when out of control).
  7. 12. - In psychological terms, the mediator between instinct and morality in Freudian theory.
  8. 13. Glasses - Symbol of intellect and technology, used to start the fire.
  9. 15. - Lord of the Flies serves as one, with deeper meanings about society and human nature.