- 1. Louis' favorite cereal.
- 4. Year Louis got his 78 tattoo.
- 6. Song Louis helped write for Blackbear.
- 7. Louis' @ on instagram
- 10. Away From Home Festival venue.
- 13. "A trip down ________ ____, houses all look the same." - Lyrics from Louis' newest song.
- 14. What role did Louis' play in his Secondary School production of 'Grease'?
- 17. Louis' favorite Disney movie.
- 18. Original artists of one of the songs Louis covered for his first 2 shows on tour.
- 20. Louis' guitarist.
- 22. "I felt like a f*cking ____ out there man, I'm not gonna lie, I felt like a ____." - Louis on the AFH Festival
- 23. Netflix documentary Louis watched and liked.
- 1. One of Louis' favorite clubs in London.
- 2. What place did louis come in in his own fantasy football league?
- 3. Song pre-One Direction Louis covered his Youtube channel.
- 5. Cryptic message from Louis
- 8. How many times has Louis thanked his fans this year on Twitter?
- 9. City where the "Walls" music video was filmed.
- 11. Acronym for the new song Louis sang during his livestream.
- 12. What show was louis an extra on when he was 11?
- 13. What book was Louis quoting in video diary week 7?
- 15. Louis' first single as a solo artist.
- 16. Word on the Christopher Kane sweater Louis wore to his February 5th album signing in Birmingham.
- 19. Vegetable Louis is not a fan of.
- 21. "_____ is only for the brave." - Louis explaining his song 'Only The Brave'.