Louis XIV, Aristocratic Power and the Elite Unites of the French Army

  1. 6. What elite infantry regiment was regarded as a finishing school for French military officers? (the full name)
  2. 8. Who would go on to gain control of the army, the navy, and the Maison militaire du Roi following the death of Louis XIV?
  3. 9. Which position controlled the other parts of the Gendarmerie de France and which were created in 1690?
  4. 11. The main focus of this paper, among other things, is to understand the relationship between the elite forces of the French military and which French king?
  5. 13. What was the Maison militaire, the Gendarmerie de France, the Gardes Françaises and the régiment du Roi considered for individuals seeking officer positions?
  6. 14. What characterizes the relationship between ministers of the armed forces under the Crown and the military and social elites of France?
  1. 1. What noble was crucial in Philippe duc d’Orléans maneuvering of the regency after the death of Louis XIV in 1715 and who deployed the régiment des Gardes Françaises in Paris during the séance of the Parlement of Paris? (his title).
  2. 2. Who replaced in 1672 duc de Gramont as colonel of the elite infantry unit of the régiment des Gardes Françaises and whom Louis XIV held in high regard? (an abbreviation of his full name). It was later known that he abused his position especially through corruption.
  3. 3. Based on the actions of Soubise and the Gendarmes de la Garde, was it better to work inside or outside the patronage system that Louis XIV was constructing?
  4. 4. What would characterize the overall status and position of the Maison militaire du Roi in relation to other army groups and the War Ministry?
  5. 5. As a result of inflated prices from Louis XIV ordonnance, who was responsible for investing large amounts of their own money to upkeep the military companies?
  6. 7. What was the core component that allowed for royal control over the Maison militaire du Roi? (a military position)
  7. 8. Who was given much freedom over running his Gendarmes and Chevaux-légers from the 1680s onwards (a French royal title)?
  8. 10. Which prestigious dynasty would the princes of the royal family try to uphold by surrounding themselves with men who would add lustre to their military units?
  9. 12. Who opposed Louis XIV’s ordonnance to promote all captains and lieutenant-colonels in the Gardes Françaises and Suisses to infantry colonel?