Davids birthday

  1. 2. my favorite holiday
  2. 4. my favorite teddy bear
  3. 5. my 2nd least favorite subject in school
  4. 6. our first date
  5. 8. My favorite person to hang out with
  6. 12. where are first fight happened
  7. 13. my sexuality
  8. 14. somebody i'd die for
  9. 15. my nickname
  10. 17. how many teddy bears i have
  11. 19. my favorite candy
  12. 21. we first met
  13. 23. when were getting married
  14. 27. my favorite snack
  15. 29. my favorite subject in school
  16. 30. my bffs name
  17. 32. the month of my birthday
  1. 1. my room color
  2. 3. my fishes name
  3. 7. the thing i like the most about you
  4. 9. The thing i slip in randomly when i feel stressed
  5. 10. my 2nd favorite band
  6. 11. my favorite villain
  7. 12. my favorite color
  8. 16. Whos my favoirte person in the world
  9. 18. my least favorite subject in school
  10. 20. my favorite drink
  11. 22. my first duckys name
  12. 24. my 2nd favorite teddy bear
  13. 25. my favorite month
  14. 26. the month we started dating
  15. 28. my favorite band
  16. 31. my favorite kind of movies