
  1. 5. a special letter
  2. 9. another word for a strong commitment
  3. 10. people who usually love you the most
  4. 11. opposite of hate
  5. 12. the feeling when you start to like someone
  6. 15. some may grow (blank) a for them
  7. 16. feeling some may feel when they are in love
  8. 17. an obsession with someone you love
  9. 19. love strongly
  10. 20. you may feel happy towards the other person
  1. 1. holiday for love
  2. 2. loyalty
  3. 3. a symbol for love
  4. 4. you may build this before falling in love
  5. 6. a way to say thank you
  6. 7. a good way to know what your partner needs
  7. 8. showing interest or tenderness
  8. 13. what you should give someone you love
  9. 14. the boy might ask the girl on a (blank)
  10. 18. one may feel this way towards someone while in love