
  1. 3. what dustin wants to do together
  2. 5. dustin’s love language
  3. 6. dustin’s lucky number
  4. 8. dustin’s favorite color
  5. 10. lovelove
  6. 11. erica’s favorite person
  7. 13. dustin’s favorite sport
  8. 15. what dustin always wear
  9. 16. what dustin does every month
  1. 1. dustin’s favorite place at school
  2. 2. what dustin needs
  3. 4. what dustin hates
  4. 7. dustin’s future uni
  5. 8. dustin’s bestie
  6. 9. dustin’s goal
  7. 12. dustin’s team
  8. 14. what dustin likes to do everyday