
  1. 1. Definition is "play" or "game" in Ancient Latin
  2. 5. Believed that a person lives on even after death through love
  3. 6. Love that formed from years of commitment, understanding, compromises, and dedication
  4. 8. Greeks viewed this important because how can you give love to others if you don't have this
  5. 10. Many Forms of it and can be expressed in many ways
  1. 2. An unconditional love often seen between family members
  2. 3. Another name for the Greek G- of sexual passion and desire
  3. 4. Greeks viewed this love as dangerous since people tend to act irrational under this love
  4. 5. Love formed due to self-esteem or self-value issues
  5. 7. Love between equals
  6. 9. Purest form of love with enormous amounts of empathy