- 1. Their swift and sorrowful expulsion from the Garden of Eden, an immediate __________ from God’s presence.
- 5. Jesus had emptied himself of His divine qualities, choosing to take on weak, flawed human flesh and to dwell among us, in the form of a
- 6. was flawed but he led God’s people into the land He’d promised and he was Moses’s assistant .
- 7. How many weeks are there in the Advent season?
- 9. God is?(1 John 4:8)
- 10. Abraham was obedient to sacrifice Isaac because of his
- 2. Abraham sacrificed a ram, centuries later God again provided a sacrifice, in the form of a baby who is the?
- 3. She showed long before the time of Jesus. Her courage and sacrifice can save millions.who is she?
- 4. His birth, death and resurrection, He provided the way for us to come back into a __________with Him
- 8. is the greatest gift of all that came on the first Christmas.