Love and Princess Ahira

  1. 2. Complete the quote from Azmaveth! "In a superb twist of ____, I fell in love with her instead."
  2. 5. The three gifts Azmaveth gives Ahira include a dagger, a flute, and one of these silver items
  3. 7. To wake Ahira from the Dozy Plant fumes, Kohath bestows upon her one of these
  4. 8. Azmaveth's noble title (hint: he is cousin to the king)
  5. 10. The quiet silver dragon who eventually warms up to Ahira
  6. 11. Not only is Azmaveth a gifted mage, he is also one of these (hint: he crafts many of his own spells)
  7. 16. Ahira breaks the valkyrie's curses by feeling a combination of love and this emotion
  8. 17. Tuggles is the Keeper of the Endless Forest and one of these magical beings
  9. 18. The Guardian Charms have the power to break these kinds of evil spells
  10. 19. Issachar, Ahira's friend, is Zerah's human identity/alias and has this color hair
  1. 1. Complete the name of Azmaveth's book! All about ___: Everything You Need to Know To Keep Your Pet Happy and Clean
  2. 3. Ahira's dresses and Azmaveth's scales are this color
  3. 4. The name of Ahira's older brother and closest family friend
  4. 6. Ahira first tells Azmaveth she feels this for him after Issachar rescues her from a valkyrie
  5. 7. The name of Azmaveth's human form, he is also described by Ahira as "the most handsome man [she] had ever met"
  6. 8. According to Ahira, Kohath refuses to admit when they are lost and will never ask for these
  7. 9. Ahira and Azmaveth often curl up in a green armchair located in this part of the cave
  8. 12. On her way home from spending time with other princesses, Kohath rescues Ahira from Trila, one of these beings
  9. 13. So that he and Ahira can be together, Azmaveth drinks a potion that turns him permanently into one of these
  10. 14. Azmaveth is often jealous of this human wizard's presence around Ahira
  11. 15. After Ahira kisses the tip of his muzzle, Azmaveth's scales gain a faint pink hue in a dragon form of this reaction