Love and Retha

  1. 1. The complimentary term Kit often applies to Miles' character
  2. 3. Complete the following! "Come to me, my sweet ____!"
  3. 5. The snarky saboteur who has a crush on Cookie
  4. 6. Solus Miles, surprisingly, seems to enjoy and is good at giving these gestures of affection
  5. 9. Kit refers to Solus Miles (in her mind) as Intimidating _____
  6. 13. Kit and Miles have a "romantic" adventure riding the mountain variety of this wooly animal
  7. 15. Complete the following! "He's Solus Miles. He's got a dragon and a ____. You don't stand a chance."
  8. 16. Solus Miles buys a much better set of ____ for Kit
  9. 18. Kit can relax when she's with Miles because she knows he will ____ her
  10. 21. Miles wants to join Heroes of Retha, the (according to Kit) badly-named one of these
  11. 22. The somewhat embarrassing skill that summons one's pledged is called Love's ____
  1. 2. Kit thinks her pledged is obsessed with this aspect of gaming
  2. 4. When asked, Miles says Kit uses him for his ___
  3. 7. The misleading name for Solus Miles' beloved dragon
  4. 8. For solidarity, Miles joins Kit and goes over Tremblebach Falls in one of these "vessels"
  5. 10. Solus Miles is a ___ knight
  6. 11. Complete the following! "Solus Miles, I choose you! Go—use One-____!"
  7. 12. Gared's adventurous and loyal first officer
  8. 14. While he's a rude "angry pigeon" and "ruffled chicken" to Kit, this pet does show respect to Solus Miles
  9. 17. The first time Kit hugs Solus Miles is when he helps her team procure the human seal in this bracelet-named city
  10. 19. Habakkuk, who pledges Kit and Solus Miles together, is the eccentric hermit of this
  11. 20. The shield spell Solus Miles casts to protect Kit is called Beloved's ____